Chaired a high-level meeting to review preparations for the launch of Mission Swachh Bharat. The Mission will be launched on 2nd October and is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.
We want Mission Swachh Bharat to become a mass movement with the aim of creating a Clean India by 2019. Activities relating to cleanliness should be undertaken in every village across India. At the same time, there is a need to create a legal architecture that would institutionalize Mission Swachh Bharat at all levels, upto the village level.
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We want Mission Swachh Bharat to become a mass movement with the aim of creating a Clean India by 2019. Activities relating to cleanliness should be undertaken in every village across India. At the same time, there is a need to create a legal architecture that would institutionalize Mission Swachh Bharat at all levels, upto the village level.
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